Second, John and I purchased three bikes last week. These bikes will primarily be for our use until we leave; however, we bought them because Sylvester had mentioned he wanted to set up a bike rental in Tafi to help himself through school. So we are in the process of entering into a business contract with him wherein we will maintain primary ownership of the bikes but he will be in charge of the rental company. This benefits four different parties: we can get around easier while we are here, Sylvester can learn the basics of running a business (he is interested in pursuing this), tourists have another entertainment option, and the Sanctuary benefits from the tourists' satisfaction. We've had the bikes less than one week and I think we've already gotten our money's worth!
We also cleaned up the office a bit. We added a donation box and a "tips are appreciated" sign (both of which paid off within the day) and arranged the brochures for other tourist attractions in the area. We have a big meeting with both the committee and the chiefs and elders on Thursday morning. The goal of the meeting is to get the green light on some imperative goals (the committee seems to be on our side; it's the chiefs we have to convince).
As it is now, the old committee members are the only ones with access to the sanctuary's bank account, the chiefs constantly take money from the office without recording it, and there is one lump percentage of the profits that is assigned to the chiefs, committee, sanctuary upkeep/improvements, and community development combined. Basically, according to the books the sanctuary is pulling in a ton of money but the bank account is empty.
These are simple- not easy, but Simple- problems to fix. Our two main objectives right now are to get the names on the account changed to the members of the present committee and set up a separate account in the chief's name, into which the community's and chief's money will go. If we can successfully separate the percentages and book keeping and give the correct people financial power, Tafi Atome would be completely financially secure. Here's the trick though: we are not the first, second, or probably fifth person to explain this to them. When I cleaned out the desk in the office, I found some very well written documents by organizations and volunteers alike proposing the same things, frequently in the same manner. Frustrating. The guides seem to believe that the three of us have what it takes, and I really hope we do, but we are just amateurs going on common sense and making it up as we go.
On a lighter note, here are some great shots from our everyday life in the beautiful Volta region and the beautiful people (and animals?) with whom we live!
Solid. You guys are doing a great job. Nuff Said.
Question about the Monkeys, seriously how do you not just keep one on your shoulder all day? But I digress, I'm envisioning hundreds of them; are there a few standouts that have pretty distinct personalities or a few that make an effort to interact with you? Also, and John this question is for you too, do you think Chaco could climb that waterfall? I couldn't see the routes around it too well, but I've got a dollar on him making if up if John does.
You seem to live in monkey paradise (or at least last month's National Geographic)! Have you met the Swiss Family Robinson yet?
Congrats on all the great work. Don't let frustration dampen your efforts...each of the "5 groups" before you were able to impart enough change to make some difference.
Any plans for Christmas?
Ok I'll share...
It snowed today. A good solid zero accumulation Richmond snow...but even so it made me smile and I did a little dance in the parking lot outside my office and then I got cold and went back inside. I hope you are singing Christmas carols to yourself in monkey land. I am singing them to myself in not monkey land.
Those are some of the most beautiful pictures Becca! Keep taking them and I can't wait to see them all when you return to us. Excellent color choice on the main building by the way! I'm definitely a fan of the terracotta inspired improvement haha.
I'm so excited for the bike purchase and rental program. What a great idea that can have so much use? How much were the bikes in American Dollars? I'm so curious of the differences!
You missed some lame snow accumulation...or lack there of...but it was pretty at least for a few hours. The Christmas party is this weekend and you and John will greatly be missed But we'll take a bunch of photos and make sure that Katie posts them on her blog!
Love you. Keep up the great work and take care of John! You can't take him anywhere...can't even get a measley cut without whining and whining lol just kidding. Looking forward to your next post!
BECCA!!!! I've been following your blog and am continually amazed by all of the work you are doing...and of course, I am always bragging about what my friend of far, far away is accomplishing. While it may have snowed last week. It was a balmy 70 degrees today...yep, I'm sweating in my own house in December.
Your pictures are phenomenal and I know you and John must be practicing karaoke while painting for your highly anticipated reunion back home. Although after viewing how beautiful everything looks there, you might not want to come back for a while. Let us know how the biking business goes. That's such a great idea!
Tell John hello and keep up the great stories. You are an inspiration to us all!
Boxley again. Congrats on all the good works. Sounds like you have a budding tourist industry started. Make sure you dwere fe McDonald's franchise efam.
In non-Twi news, let's see. Ben is happy because Appalachian State is in the national football championship finals after crushing the University of, well, another good team. We went to Penn State to see our niece play volleyball this weekend - they won and head to the national championship finals next weekend. In politics, Opray and Obama are teaming up, which makes the elections more fun, and we hope she gives everyone a new car. Weather included snow and 75 degree temperatures this past weekend...but we had to drive 9 hours for the snow part. Pennsylvania is cold.
Love the monkeys - take lots of pictures. Glad your dwo adventures continue to be fe.
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