Though I ask everyone what Christmas is like here, I still don't have a good idea of what we will do tomorrow, so I will have to post about that after the fact. The 26th is also a holiday here, and I do know there is a town-wide pool party (that's right- a pool December!) on the 26th, which should be quite interesting.
It was sad to leave Tafi Atome; it has come to feel very much like home. Mo and John will not return, but I have decided to continue working there next year. It was a tough decision, as the work there is not easy, but I feel like I can do more there than I can in the Babies home, and the experience will be more satisfying for me as well.
So here is my plan right now: Mampong until December 27th, then to Accra to drop Mo off at the airport for her flight on the 28th (Ghana will be such a different experience with her gone!!). Then John and I will travel along the coast through new years' and until he leaves on January 8th. I will stick around in Accra and leave the next day to Ethiopia. One of my very good friends from University is working there and I am going to visit him. I will be there until January 22nd, when I will return to Ghana and to the Monkey Sanctuary.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas- please eat lots of Turkey, ham, chocolate, beignets, and anything else you eat at Christmastime for me. We will be having rice, Fufuo, and goat meat. And enjoy the cold weather- despite what the locals say, it is not cold here.
Here are some pictures from our last day in Tafi Atome- the kids were very sad to see us go, and the adults thanked us with bottles of gin and beer (yikes!)
Dearest Becca:
We MISSED you this Christmas, but toasted to your experiences that will forever allow you to enjoy your old traditions in a new light.
All 38 Chandler's talked about you during our family day. We began some new holiday fun for the Chandler clan to get your cousins interested in competition/attending. Did not find anyone who could beat you in foosball, but found some decent ping pong players who tested your dad's skill.
Your phone call was the highlight of the morning. Beignets were second and you would be pleased to know that Katie and Dad did an admirable job of cooking. The mess was HUGE, the clean up task fell to me, but the beignets were worth it. Traditionally, we had ham biscuits, crab puffs, and mimosas. Next year should we try gin and beer with goat meat instead?
(Were you able to find a locally made Nativity for me? or maybe for you instead?)
The tree is down, the fresh greens are in the woods, and the egg nog and pie did a good job of adding our winter calories. Time for the new year.
Where will you be for Dec 31 midnight? CJ, Blair, Daddy and I will be somewhere near St. Lucia or Martinique trying to find fireworks and champaigne. We will toast to you and a fun African new year.
Thanks so much for the picture of Patrick. We will be interested in you updates from him as I know you will stay connected, and we want to know of his challenges and successes.
safe, safe travels. Are you going to Ethiopia just so you can add another pin to the map?
Have fun, Happy New Year, and remember White Rabbit White Rabbit.
I love you,
Your mom's comments about sum up Christmas. I was there for lunch on Sun. with all my family, minus you. Returned to Halifax as I was on Altar duty and back on Christmas Day in time to make beignets and eat your share. Katie was a great substitute and Route 360 was tired of me. We missed you so very much.
I am constantly amazed at all your accomplishments and as a grandparent cannot brag enough. You will be qualified for about any type of job when you return.
Dexter has signed up for another tour of duty. He will come to Ft. Hood in March and will have about a six week leave, guess you will miss that. That makes me sad. Then in June comes the bad part, he will go to Iraq. Now, that really makes me sad.
Give John my love and tell him to visit me when he returns.
My love and prayers are with you, Meem
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